Week in Review
4th of JULY
WMD self destructing
Tevas Sodomy, the best
Scalia meets privately with BeBe Hosenburg
Rain on the Parade
WMDs in heaven
Alix Olson-America on Sale_MIX
Democracy Now Kids
Fight the Power -American Quotes
Eric Sterling and Dean Becker (excerpts)
June 25
Report on the ACLU town Hall meeting
The DrugWar preceded the Patriot Act
Nazi vs Nazi-the moral of the story
The Anthrax worked
No Dick Army (or battallion either)
Iraq sez RAPE ME!!
Sanitized and domesticated
Presidential Firsts (CCCP)
Racial Profiling
Why Ashcroft opposes abortion in incest cases
Alien and Sedition Acts
White People finally free
Failure to communicate
Buzzanco on Radio Dublin-post invasion politics
WMD contest (Harry Shearer-LeShow)
June 12
Obidike Kamou, Randy Credico: update on Tulia Texas
more on Tulia- Jeff
Blackbourne, Randy Credico and Mattie White on Democracy Now, April 4th ((REAL
June 5
Rip and Read-FCC Hearings in Review
Rovics in Houston
May 27
Texas Legislators Flee Gerrymander (The pursuit
and cover-up)
Clear Channel threatens Liberal Talk Radio
Harry Shearer (Gore Room) from LeShow
May 23
Weapons of Mass destruction found in Iraq
Soros to watchdog the weasels-Iraqui Oil
The African American-Italian Connection
The Pope has no ass
Dr Doom Negroponte
Soros-good fox or bad fox
FCC hearings
Pacifica Station number six in Selma Alabama?
Diversity in Commercial media
Jessica Lynch amnesia
The Christopher Hedges Shout-down
Busho el Presidente
Busho el zorro
Busho el Preidente interpreted
Alberta Sprull
Caitlin and Daddy
Pacifica Plantation Politics