I have taken the liberty of correcting the bad punctuation in the below code of conduct complaint filed by Stan Merriman against me on September 12.
I received this in the mail, and by US Federal Law, rules and regulations, it is my property
I can publish it, broadcast it, or line the bird cage with it
The Code of Conduct does not supercede US Law, only the GAT can do that.
My hearing is scheduled for Wednesday morning, December 4 2002.


This is a formal request for appropriate actions against Mr. Curt Schroell
Programmer at KPFT Radio.

Mr Schroell is in violation of items #1 and #3 of the Code of Conduct.

The material in this complaint is contained on the web site http://www.acksisofevil.org viewed this morning, september 12 2002, maintained, as I understand it, by Mr Schroell.

Specifically, the content of the site contains unsupported assertions that I, Stan Merriman, am identified as a "perpetrator of the smear campaign" aimed at Professor Bob Buzzanco. In another reference on the site, I am referred to as "party to an attack on Bob Buzzanco". Additionally I am associated with "major COINTELPRO type actions", "a national smear campaign" and a "lying smear campaign", in no way substantiated or supported by fact. Further, Mr. Schroell implies, untruthfully, that I recruited all the participants in the "Jewish Voices" show, aired on April 17, 2002, from the American Jewish Commitee. And in a letter posted by a Janice Blue, I am falsly accused of spreading hearsay which was damaging" as well as being "hypocritical".

As a volunteer and a producer at the station, I vehemently object to these misrepresentations and untruths and demand that Curt Schroell be appropriately disciplined as well as be ordered to remove them from public display if he is allowed to continue as a volunteer at KPFT in any capacity which might put me in contact with him.

[illegible scribble]
Stan Merriman

2338 Dryden Rd.,
Houston Texas 77030
713 666 8444

attached to Merriman's complaint is a printout of the front page at http://acksisofevil.org

This paragraph from a statement by Janice Blue (Houston peace and justice activist, animal rights activist, feminist, former publisher, and one time baby-sitter for George Barnstone) was highlighted:

And, most shameful of all in spreading this smear campaign is Stan Merriman
who took it upon himself, that same day, April 17, at 5:17pm to post an
inflammatory message on the web (in response to Edwin Johnston's post
moments before referring to Bob as Prof Berzerko)* ... I won't dignify it by
reading it...I just wonder, Stan, what gave you the right and authority to
speak for the rest of us...the eyewitnesses? Spreading this hearsay was
very damaging not only to Bob but to all of us in the KPFT community.

Yet, today, at 1:06 pm you say to Ken Freeland on the Friends of KPFT list,
"I am interested in deescalating conflict, including not dredging up old
wounds and disagreements...and I strongly urge we all put aside past deeds
and disagreements and move forward with positive energy."

How hypocritical of you, Stan! You have lost all credibility taking hearsay
and spreading damaging falsehoods in an attempt to ruin someone's



The above statement, written by Janice Blue was posted to the Acksis of EVIL site because Ms Blue was cut off during public comments at a LAB meeting by the chair, and could not read it in that public forum.

Also attached to Stan Merriman's Code of Conduct complaint is this page from acksisofevil which is a post by Merriman himself.

Also attatched is the index of public postings compiled at the website, entitled, oddly enough, The Evidence: Their Messages. This is a rather bold request for censorship, since it is a directory to stuff already on the net.

Merriman has been adamantly opposed to the website, which is a compendeum of emales and statements from all sorts of characters around KPFT, with very little editorializeing.

The vast majority of the work is done by long time Pacifica activist, Mark Bilk.

Merriman went after Bilk, unsuccessfully attempting to have parts of the website taken down.

Here is the emale exchange between Merriman and Bilk.

